Feature Friday with Megan Dredge: Classroom Management: 5 Quick Tips

This week’s feature article is from one of my favourite educators. She and her husband have been long time friends and mentors. If you have been reading I’m a New Teacher for some time then you will have heard me talk about Megan. If not, well, you’ve been missing out.

Enter Megan…

“One of the biggest challenges that teachers face is classroom management. We are always looking for ways to develop and improve our classroom management skills. Classroom management is something I am passionate about (here’s a handy index to my all my posts about classroom management) and it is the most popular topic I am asked to speak on in schools, organizations and at conferences (contact me for more info).

Here are 5 quick tips to help you develop and hone your classroom management skills:

1. Be consistent.

I cannot emphasize this enough. Consistency is absolutely crucial to effectively managing your classroom. You must do what you say you are going to do every single time. You must follow through. You must be true to your word. At all times. Every time.

2. Have a plan (and change it when necessary)

Make sure you have a basic classroom management plan that you intend to follow and implement with your class/classes. And always be ready to change and adjust that plan to make it even more effective. Try new things. Experiment. Figure out what works for you. And remember, as mentioned in point 1, make sure you are consistent.

3. Learn (don’t copy) from others.

Observe what other teachers do (and don’t do) to manage their classes. Be curious. Be observant. Learn from them and try and apply some of their ideas to your class. This isn’t about copying exactly what another teacher does, but taking their strategy/technique and adjusting it to suit who you are and then trying it out in your class. Learn and keep on learning.

4. Understand that respect takes time.

The quickest way to earn the respect of your students is to show them respect. And earning respect is simply that – you must earn it. And this can take time. Be patient and make sure you are setting the example to the students first by respecting them.

5. Develop rapport.

Focus on developing appropriate relationships with your students. Take the time to get to know them and find out a little bit about them. Rapport helps you to communicate effectively with your students and will make learning even more effective. Great teachers alleviate potential classroom management problems by continuing to build excellent rapport with their students.

This week’s assignment:

Which one of these 5 things do you need to focus on? Choose one this week and notice how it helps you to be a more effective classroom manager.

Enjoy the journey,

And more importantly,

Enjoy the moments.



P.S. This week, Episode 3 of my new Megan Dredge podcast will be released. Thanks for all your positive feedback. Subscribe today!

QUESTION: If you could recommend one classroom management book or resource or website, what would it be? You can leave your comments here.”

Posted by Mathew Green on October 17, 2014  /   Posted in Uncategorized
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