

The Art of Teaching Podcasts is a weekly discussion with some of the greatest educators, innovators and leaders across the globe. Join me as I talk with some incredible individuals.



Richard Gerver: Why it’s time to take bold risks in education (#1).

Richard has been described as one of the most inspirational leaders of our generation. He is an award-winning author, speaker and renowned thinker. After every chat with Richard I feel inspired, challenged and excited to get back into the classroom.

Professor Yong Zhao – The lessons all schools must learn from COVID-19 (#2)

Today’s episode is a discussion with Professor Yong Zhao.  Professor Zhao has been recognised as one of the world’s most influential education scholars. We covered a lot of ground in this week’s discussion.

Nigel Marsh – What do you really want out of life? (#3)

In this week’s episode of The Art of Teaching Podcast, we are hearing from the incredible Nigel Marsh. His TED speech on work/life balance remains the most viewed ever given outside of America with well over four million hits. His internationally acclaimed podcast The Five Of My Life can be found on iTunes.

Whether you’re a casual teacher, permanently employed, working as a support teacher or on a temporary contract with your school, you are directly involved in educating, training and shaping some of the greatest minds that this world is yet to see.
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