
What makes you happy?

Hi there,

Welcome to this week’s newsletter. I want to explore the first of my four big questions.  What makes you happy?

Honestly. Have a think about it.

It took me a long time to figure this out. I had to intentionally slow down and filter through the noise; the expectations of others and the things that I’ve been told would make me happy.

After much soul-searching, I have discovered that it’s truly the simple things in life that bring me the greatest joy.

  • A long uninterrupted lunch with my wife.
  • Reading a book to my two little girls and giving them big cuddles for (just 5 more minutes!) before bedtime.
  • Laughing over a meal at our big dining table with our oldest friends
  • Seeing a project I’ve worked hard on succeed.
  • Starting my day with a long run.
  • Watching my students fully engage with the lesson in my classroom.
  • Helping someone, a friend, acquaintance or stranger, in a meaningful way.

What about you?

Maybe you have not asked this question in a long time? Maybe you’ve never asked this question?!

One thing that I know is that we all deserve to be happy. No matter how busy or hectic life may be, taking the time to ask yourself this question will help you prioritise some things. You deserve to do more of the things that make you happy! Not just for your own sake, but for the people you love and for your students.

So take this moment to stop and think. Switch off your phone, close your computer and think back to the things you did today, this week or this month that made you smile or laugh or forget the stress of everyday life. Now go and do more of THAT!

I wish you well on your happiness journey.

Cheering you on,



Posted by Mathew Green on February 09, 2021  /   Posted in looking after yourself, Rest, stress, working with others
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