







I’m a New Teacher is an organisation that is dedicated to supporting and equipping recent graduates. It is a collection of articles, resources, interviews, videos and conversations with the goal of inspiring and empowering the next generations of teachers. I share some pretty honest things about my worst years, best years, heartbreaks and struggles as a new teacher in an attempt to give a little bit of hope to you as recent graduates.  I hope that you enjoy them and I hope that you  find the resources useful. I would really like to hear your story.

Uncopyright. The content on the I’m a New Teacher blog is uncopyrighted. This means that you are free to use the content on your site and you are free to refer to ideas and concepts that are discussed. The only thing that I ask is that you provide a link back to I’m a New Teacher. The reason for the blog content being uncopyrighted is to try and get the content to as many new teachers as possible. I’m a New Teacher exists, and it will always exist, to empower new teachers to be the best educators that they can be.

Here are a few of the most viewed articles:

An interview with Professor John Hattie

Pasi Sahlberg on educational reform, teacher training and the Finnish education system

Can I REALLY make a difference in my school?

Staff meetings, a necessary evil?

Thank you for taking the time to view the website, please keep coming back.



Facebook: /imanewteacher

Twitter: /@imanewteacher






Whether you’re a casual teacher, permanently employed, working as a support teacher or on a temporary contract with your school, you are directly involved in educating, training and shaping some of the greatest minds that this world is yet to see.
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